Delivery Information
Standard delivery time is 2/3 working days from dispatch. If you require your order urgently (next day) we offer a next day service at an additional cost, quoted on request. To operate this facility for web orders you will need to telephone our sales office (01482 616861) at the time of placing your order or before 12 noon on the next working day.
Delivery times may increase around holidays and peak delivery times. If your product is heavy our drivers will only deliver to the most convenient drop off point.
If you have alternative delivery requirements, please contact us prior to despatch of your order. Be sure to include a phone number in case the Driver needs to notify you of something in relation to your arranged delivery. If you need your order to be shipped to an alternative address to the billing address, please specify this when placing your order. Although we will make every effort to amend mistaken delivery addresses after the order has been placed, we cannot be held responsible for late deliveries if the incorrect address has been specified by the customer. If the Product must then be forwarded to a new address, we reserve the right to charge re-delivery / forwarding fees for this service if necessary and also reserve the right to deduct any such fees from any refund given should the order be subsequently cancelled.
Please do not arrange any installers/contractors/labour until your materials are on site as we are unable to compensate you for their time in the event of a late delivery.